2.0 FL.OZ. (59.1ml) E6000 CRAFTS ADHESIVE 手工藝精品膠水




眾所週知,從事生產製作手工藝精品業人士使用一種優良的黏合膠水是絕對必需。 E-6000是一種高效能、有彈性的工業黏合產品 對於廣氾的工業材料而言,黏貼力特強。 適用於接合珠寶玉石、玻璃、金屬、塑膠、橡膠、水泥、聚乙烯、皮革……等等。恐怕唯有窮盡你的想像力,才能為它劃出應用的界限。 Anyone who like to do arts and crafts projects knows that a good adhesive is an absolute necessity.E-6000 has high adhesion to a variety of substrates. Adheres to decorative stones, glass, metal, plastic, rubber, concrete, vinyl, leather, etc. The applications are only limited by your imagination.

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