#5510310 E6000 MINI TUBES 迷你管 4支裝 (0.18oz x 4)

包裝︰0.18安士 X 4(5.3毫升X4)



E6000迷你管支裝 同樣優異的E6000配方包裝在小(0.18 fl oz)管中。非常適合隨時隨地輕鬆存儲和快速修復。 與玻璃,木材,塑料,錫,金屬,陶瓷,水泥,橡膠,乙烯基,皮革,織物和許多其他材料的粘合 乾燥清除 照片安全 洗衣機/烘乾機安全 可上漆的 耐高溫–固化後不受極端熱或冷的影響 Same great E6000 formula packaged in small (0.18 fl oz) tubes. Perfect for easy storage and quick fixes anytime, anywhere. Bonds to glass, wood, plastics, tin, metal, ceramic, cement, rubber, vinyl, leather, fabric and many other materials Dries clear Photo safe Washer/dryer safe Paintable Temperature resistant – unaffected by extreme heat or cold once cured

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